From Subhāṣita-ratna-bhāṇḍāgāram


śatroḥ prāṇānilāḥ pañca
vayaṁ daśa jayo ’tra kaḥ
iti kopād ivātāmrāḥ
pāntu vo nṛharer nakhāḥ

“May the fingernails of Narahari (Nrisimha), who are assuming a reddish color and are thinking, ‘The enemy has only five life-airs while we are ten in number, so how can the enemy win against us?” protect you all!’ ” — (Subhāṣita-ratna-bhāṇḍāgāram)

Да защитят вас когти Нрихари, что, пламенея красным,
рассуждают: «У недруга лишь пять потоков праны в теле,
тогда как нас всех вместе – десять.
И он сподобился нас одолеть?»

I worship and serve Jvala-Nrsimha


“I worship and serve Jvala-Nrsimha, who has a bodily hue similar to the terrible fire that occurs at the time of destruction; who is situated on all ends of the hexagonal yantra; who is all-powerful and who is the god wearing a blazing garland.”

[ Visva-rupa-nrsimha-mantra, in the Sesa-samhita, page 201 ]

Your Fearless Hand



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Your Fearless Hand

“O Lord who lies on the bed of Ananta Sesa! O Lord of the universe! O Nrsimha! O husband of Laksmi! O destroyer of the devotees fear! I am suffering from great distress due to drowning in the ocean of sinful activities and disease. So, kindly lend me Your fearless hand and give me protection!”

[ Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Vilasa 14, Texts 486-487 ]

kara avalamvanam dehi / sesasayin jagatpate
sri nrsimha ramakanta / bhaktanam bhayanasana



I Am Your Devotee


“O Supreme Lord! O Visnu! I bow down to You. O Lord Nrsimhadeva, I offer my obeisances to You. I am your devotee. O Lord of Lords, I now express to You my heartfelt inquiry.”

[ Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Vilasa 14, Text 418 ]

namaste Bhagavan visno
nrsimha vapuse namah
tvadbhakto’ham suresaikam
tvam praprcchami tattvatah

Всем счастливой Гаура-пурнимы!

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“The Supreme Lord who assumed the form of half-man, half-lion in the Satya-yuga to cure a dreadful disease that had devastated the daityas, and who appearing as Rama conquered the ten-headed Ravana in Treta-yuga, and who removed the burden of the earth in the Dvapara-yuga and protected the cowherd men of Vraja-pura, will be the Lord by the name of Caitanya in Kali-yuga. He will have a golden form and will take pleasure in chanting His own sweet holy names.”

[ Nrsimha Purana ]

satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye
tretayam dasa-kandharam
paribhavan rameti namakrtih

gopalan paripalayan vraja-pure
bharam haran dvapare
gaurangah priya-kirtanah
kali-yuge caitanya-nama-prabhuh


To Him Who Is My Shelter In These Times Of Turmoil / Ему, моему убежищу в эти смутные времена

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“Я поклоняюсь Самому фактору времени, Тому, для кого время – Его сокрушительные зубы, Ему, у Кого устрашающий лик.  Я поклоняюсь свирепому, яростно могущественному, неистово ужасающему, Тому, Чьи когти – удары молнии, а тело крепко. Я поклоняюсь ужасающе ужасному… но Кто при этом благ, неся всем благо”.

[ изначально эта мантра прозвучала при разговоре Господа Брахмы и Савитри-деви]


To Him Who Is My Shelter In These Times Of Turmoil

“Obeisances to the time-factor, to Him who has time as His all-crushing teeth and who has a greatly fearful face. Obeisances to the ferocious, to the fiercely powerful, to the fiercely horrifying, to Him who has fierce thunderbolt like nails and who has a robust bodily frame. Obeisances to the dreadful, dreadfully horrible, who at the same time is auspicious and bestows auspiciousness on others.”

[ The origin of this mantra is a conversation between Lord Brahma and Sāvitrī-devī ]


“Lord Nrsimha is the sacred absolute truth. He is the Supreme Brahman. He has a lion-human form with a dark-reddish-brown countenance. He is a perfect brahmacari in His behavior. His eyes are terrifying to look at, yet He bestows auspiciousness on all. His throat is bluish and His face is like a burning red iron. Therefore He is known as Nila-Lohitam [ bluish with a glowing reddish effulgence ].

[ Nrsimha-tapani-upanisat, Purva, Upanisat 1. End of fifth paragraph ]






The Varaha-Nrsimha mantra / Вараха-Нрисимха мантра

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чакраштака-дхарам девам
три-нетрам когра-виграхам
вишварупам аджам саумйам
вараха-нрихарим бхадже

“Всевышнему, Три-глазому, Кто держит
восемь чакр; Самой драчливости, чья Рупа –
Универсум; Тому, кто нерожден, Ему, кто добр, –
Варахе-Нрихари мое служенье”.

[ Шри-панчаратра Бхагавачшастра, “Шеша-самхита”, под ред. Лакшмипурам Шринивасачарйи.
Напечатано в “Rajakiya-sakha-mudranalaya”, Майсур, 1935. Найдено Шриманом Хари Паршад дасом ]

cakrastaka-dharam devam
tri-netram cogra-vigraham
visvarupam ajam saumyam
varaha-nrharim bhaje

“To the wielder of eight chakras, to the Supreme Lord; to the one who has three eyes; to the fierce form; to Him who has a gigantic universal form; to the unborn; to the one who has a gentle form; to Varaha Narahari, I offer my worship and service.”

[ Sri-pancaratre Bhagavacchastre “Sesa-samhita”. Edited by Laksmipuram Srinivasacarya.
Printed in Rajakiya-sakha-mudranalaya, Mysore, 1935. Researched by Sriman Hari Parshad dasa]




“Склонюсь же перед Господом Нрисимхадевом…”

“Склонюсь же перед Господом Нрисимхадевом,

который вечно поучает в сердце Шри Прахладу

и убивает то невежество, что атакует бхакт.

Милость Его – лунный свет, ликом Он – словно лев.

Да предложу Ему поклоны вновь и вновь”.

[ картина: Mahaveer Swami ]


“Let me offer my obeisances unto Lord Nrisimhadeva who is always enlightening Prahlada Maharaja within his heart and who always kills the nescience that attacks the devotees. His mercy is distributed like the moonshine, and His face is like that of a lion. Let me offer my obeisances unto Him again and again.”
[ Painting by Mahaveer Swami ]

Те когти, точно молнии

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Да защитят нас дарящие благо вскинутые когти
Всевышнего со львиным ликом – Нрисимхадева
в сопровождении Его супруги Лакшми.

Те когти точно молнии: искусны в разбиваньи на куски
надменных – размером с гору – предводителей
опьяненных толп мощных – что слоны – асуров (недругов Индры).

На те же когти медитируют собранья девов.
Их ясные умы сосредоточены на Нем, и оттого тьма тамаса рассеяна, насколько только видно,
и недруги внутри* разодраны на части.

[ «Шри Накха Стути» Шрилы Мадхавачарйи, текст 1 ]

* похоть, гнев и т.п.

“May the wide-spread and auspicious nails of the lion-faced God, Narasimha, Who is in the company of His consort Laxmi, protect us. His nails are like thunderbolts and are highly skilled in tearing asunder the lofty mountain-like heads of the herds of strong and intoxicated elephants in the form of demons; the foes of Indradev. His nails are also meditated upon by the groups of devas with their broad minds which are concentrated upon Him and from which the darkness of ignorance is driven away to a great distance and the internal enemies of lust, anger, etc. are torn in twain.”

[ Sri Nakha Stuti, by Srila Madhvacarya, text 1 ]